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BC Strata Rental Changes Nov/22

Blog by Diane Cardoso | November 30th, 2022

The BC Government announced this week, that they will be changing the Strata Properties Act to reflect the following:
--Ending rental restriction bylaws

--Owners can now rent out their units even if their bylaws state they can't (there may still be restrictions on rentals shorter than one month).

--Ending age restrictions.  Some stratas had bylaws that didn't allow, for example, anyone under 19 years of age. Such restrictions are no longer allowed. The only age restriction that is still applicable is for senior (55+) housing.

What could this mean for you? 

If you own a property that has rental restrictions, you're now free to rent it! 

If you're looking to buy or sell a property that was previously restricted, its value has likely gone up, as the ability to rent it makes it more valuable.